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Guide: Fix One Hoverboard Wheel Turns Faster Than the Other

Difficulty: Moderate

Time: 1-2 hours

Steps: 6


If you've noticed one wheel on your hoverboard is turning faster than the other, it can lead to an unbalanced ride and potential safety hazards. This guide will help you diagnose and fix the issue to ensure a smooth and safe hoverboard experience. Proceed only if you have the necessary skills, tools, and understand the risks involved.



Top Cause

The most common cause for one wheel turning faster than the other on a hoverboard is a malfunctioning gyroscope or a faulty motor.

Top Solution

The most common solution is to replace the faulty gyroscope or motor, depending on the issue identified.


To fix a hoverboard with one wheel turning faster than the other, determine the cause of the issue and replace the faulty gyroscope or motor as needed. Regular maintenance can help prevent future issues and prolong the life of your hoverboard.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Power off and disconnect the hoverboard

  • Ensure the hoverboard is turned off and disconnected from the charger before proceeding.
  • Image 1

Step 2: Open the hoverboard casing

  • Unscrew and carefully open the hoverboard casing to access the internal components.
  • Image 2

Step 3: Identify the malfunctioning component

  • Use a multimeter to test the gyroscope and motor on each side of the hoverboard.
  • Identify if the issue is due to a faulty gyroscope or motor.
  • Image 3

Step 4: Replace the faulty gyroscope

  • If the issue is caused by a malfunctioning gyroscope, remove the faulty gyroscope and replace it with a new one.
  • Image 4

Step 5: Replace the faulty motor

  • If the issue is due to a faulty motor, remove the faulty motor and replace it with a new one.
  • Image 5

Step 6: Reassemble and test the hoverboard

  • Reassemble the hoverboard and test its performance to ensure the issue has been resolved.
  • Image 6


  • Image 1: Hoverboard turned off and disconnected from the charger
    • Alt-tag: Hoverboard powered off and unplugged
  • Image 2: Hoverboard casing opened to access internal components
    • Alt-tag: Open hoverboard casing
  • Image 3: Using a multimeter to test the gyroscope and motor
    • Alt-tag: Testing hoverboard gyroscope and motor with a multimeter
  • Image 4: Replacing the faulty gyroscope
    • Alt-tag: Removing and installing a new hoverboard gyroscope
  • Image 5: Replacing the faulty motor
    • Alt-tag: Removing and installing a new hoverboard motor
  • Image 6: Reassembled hoverboard being tested
    • Alt-tag: Testing the hoverboard after reassembly
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