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Fix Hoverboard Gyroscope Sensor Issues

Difficulty: Moderate

Time: 1-2 hours

Steps: 8

Words: 1024


A common issue with hoverboards is the malfunction of their gyroscope sensors, which can cause erratic movements, loss of balance, or even complete failure to operate. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to identify and fix gyroscope sensor malfunctions in most two-wheel self-balancing scooters made in China. Keep in mind that DIY repairs can be risky, and you should proceed only if you understand the risks and feel comfortable with the required tools and procedures.


  • Phillips head screwdriver
  • Flathead screwdriver
  • Needle-nose pliers
  • Multimeter (optional)
  • [Amazon link placeholder for tools]


  • Replacement gyroscope sensor (if necessary)
  • [Amazon link placeholder for replacement gyroscope sensor]

Top Cause

The most common cause for gyroscope sensor malfunctions is the failure of the sensor itself, which can be due to wear and tear, manufacturing defects, or damage from impacts or falls.

Top Solution

The most effective solution to fix gyroscope sensor malfunctions is to replace the faulty sensor with a new, compatible one.


This guide will help you identify and fix gyroscope sensor malfunctions in your hoverboard, which can cause balance and movement issues. Regular maintenance and careful handling of your hoverboard can prevent such problems in the future.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Power Off and Open the Hoverboard

Power off your hoverboard and disconnect it from the charger. Using a Phillips head screwdriver, remove the screws securing the outer shell of the hoverboard and carefully lift the shell to expose the internal components.

Image 1: Hoverboard with outer shell removed Alt-tag: Hoverboard outer shell removed, exposing internal components

Step 2: Identify the Gyroscope Sensors

Locate the two gyroscope sensors in the hoverboard. They are usually found near the wheel areas on either side of the frame, connected to the motherboard with wire connectors.

Image 2: Gyroscope sensors location in a hoverboard Alt-tag: Hoverboard gyroscope sensors location

Step 3: Inspect for Physical Damage

Examine the gyroscope sensors for any visible signs of physical damage, such as cracks, broken connections, or loose wires. If you find any damage, you may need to replace the faulty sensor.

Image 3: Inspecting gyroscope sensors for physical damage Alt-tag: Inspecting hoverboard gyroscope sensors for damage

Step 4: Test the Gyroscope Sensors (Optional)

Using a multimeter, you can test the gyroscope sensors' electrical connections to ensure they are functioning correctly. This step is optional and should only be performed if you are comfortable using a multimeter and interpreting the results.

Image 4: Testing gyroscope sensors with a multimeter Alt-tag: Testing hoverboard gyroscope sensors using a multimeter

Step 5: Disconnect the Faulty Gyroscope Sensor

If you have identified a faulty gyroscope sensor, use needle-nose pliers to gently disconnect the wire connectors connecting it to the motherboard.

Image 5: Disconnecting the faulty gyroscope sensor Alt-tag: Disconnecting faulty hoverboard gyroscope sensor from motherboard

Step 6: Remove and Replace the Faulty Gyroscope Sensor

Remove the screws securing the faulty gyroscope sensor to the hoverboard frame. Carefully lift the sensor out of its position and replace it with a new, compatible gyroscope sensor. Secure the new sensor in place using the screws you removed earlier.

Image 6: Replacing the faulty gyroscope sensor Alt-tag: Replacing faulty hoverboard gyroscope sensor with a new one

Step 7: Reconnect the New Gyroscope Sensor

Using needle-nose pliers, reconnect the wire connectors from the new gyroscope sensor to the motherboard. Make sure the connections are secure and properly aligned.

Image 7: Reconnecting the new gyroscope sensor Alt-tag: Connecting new hoverboard gyroscope sensor to motherboard

Step 8: Reassemble the Hoverboard

Carefully place the outer shell back onto the hoverboard frame, ensuring all internal components are properly aligned and seated. Secure the shell using the Phillips head screwdriver and the screws you removed earlier.

Image 8: Reassembling the hoverboard Alt-tag: Reassembling hoverboard after gyroscope sensor replacement


By following this guide, you should now have successfully identified and fixed any gyroscope sensor malfunctions in your hoverboard. Regular maintenance and careful handling of your hoverboard can help prevent future issues. For more hoverboard repair guides and tips, consider joining our mailing list.


  • Image 1: Hoverboard with outer shell removed
  • Image 2: Gyroscope sensors location in a hoverboard
  • Image 3: Inspecting gyroscope sensors for physical damage
  • Image 4: Testing gyroscope sensors with a multimeter
  • Image 5: Disconnecting the faulty gyroscope sensor
  • Image 6: Replacing the faulty gyroscope sensor
  • Image 7: Reconnecting the new gyroscope sensor
  • Image 8: Reassembling the hoverboard
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